Marie Fahlin
Kontakt |
Consisting of the three works exo-kropp, ex-it and ex-hibit, Fodral is the second part of a trilogy together with the artist Jenny Berntsson. The first part was MOVING MATTER and SIDE_SITE. Fodral will be shown at festival:display in June 2013.
A new relational piece together with artist Lisa Torell, architect Teres Selberg and dancer Cicilia af Dalmatinerhjärta. Anatom will be shown at festival:display in June 2013.
Koreografiska Konstitutet
Link: Koreografiska Konstitutet
Unheimliche Verbindungen
An artistic development project (KU) with artist Filippa Arrias, Royal Insitute of Art, Stockholm.
A new work within the project will be presented at Weld in September 2013.
Link: Royal Institute of Art
Music in Movement
Choreographer and research assistant in the research project Music in Movement by Stefan Östersjö (The Swedish Research Council). The project deals with an expanded notion of musical gesture by merging the practices of choreographer and composer in the production of musical works. Sub projects include: MOVE, Hanoi, with composer Kim Ngoc Tran Thi, Inside/Outside, Hanoi, an installation by Nguyen Thanh Thuy with composer Matt Wright, the film 7 Stories, Seattle with the composer Richard Karpen and director Jörgen Dahlqvist. Upcoming projects include the installation Go to Hell at R1 in Stockholm together with composer Gerhard Eckel, October 2013, a solo for musician and doctorate Nguyen Thanh Thuy, autumn 2014.
Weld Company
Participating in Weld Company, an initiative by the choreographer and artistic leader of Weld in Stockholm, Anna Koch, autumn 2013.
The last part of a trilogy together with Jenny Berntsson.
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By Marie Fahlin and Jenny Berntsson, shown att K.R.O.P.P curated by Su-En, Uppsala Konsert och Kongress, January 2013.
Review: Margareta Sörenson, Scenbloggen, Expressen
by Marie Fahlin and Jenny Berntsson. The first part of a trilogy. Displayed at Weld in Stockholm, February 23–26.
Link: Weld
Press images: click an image below to downlaod a high res copy for editorial free use,
only if illustrating a text on the work or any of the artists. Photo: Jenny Berntsson.
With composer and pianist Lisa Ullén, 2012.
Kulturhuset Stockholm, Fylkingen, (re)thinking improvisation Malmö,
Spegeln Gävle, IAC Malmö, Hagakyrkan Göteborg.
Review: Svenska Dagbladet/Anna Ångström (In Swedish)
Blog post: Nummerbloggen/Thomas Olsson (In Swedish
Review: Olsson (In Swedish)
Review: Arbetarbladet/Kristian Ekenberg
Press images: click an image below to downlaod a high res copy for editorial free use,
only if illustrating a text on the work or any of the artists. Photo: Marie Trägårdh.
Link: Lisa Ullén – Disorder Production
Exchange Me
Weld. December 16, 17, 18, 2010.
A new choreographic production. A collaboration with visual artist Jenny Berntsson.
Reviews (In Swedish):
Anna Ångström, Svenska Dagbladet, December 17
Örjan Abrahamsson, Dagens Nyheter, December 20
festival:display at The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, april 2011.
Together with pianist Leon Michener and dancers Siri Lepp and Paul Johnson.
Video: Koreografiska Konstitutet, festival:display 2011, see from 5.50, 11.55 and 13.21.
Review: Anna Ångström, Svenska Dagbladet.